...they are watching...

The Cosmic Cat Conspiracy

For too long, humanity has been unaware of the truth lurking in our homes. That is, cats are not of this world. Here, we unveil the cosmis saga of our feline overlords.

Keep surfing this website and watch as we dive deep into the mysteries of their origins, their cryptic behaviours, and the signs that point to their true extraterrestrial nature.

Unraveling the Feline Glamor

Have you ever caught cats staring blankly into the space? Or ever wondered why they are obsessed with every box they can find? Why do they exhibit such peculiar behaviours that baffle even the most seasoned cat enthusiasts? These are the question answers to which transcend the ordinary and venture into the extraordinary.

We at Galactic Whiskers gather all the evidence we can get our hands on, thoroughly analyze cat behaviours, and connect with fellow feline cosmologists to bring you the most comprehensive insights into this phenomenon. Be warned, though: once you see the truth for what it really is, you'll never look at your cat the same way again.

Join the Galactic Whiskers investigation

This is not just a website. We are a pioneering collective of truth-seekers, cat enthusiasts and definitely not conspiracy theorists. But our quest for the ultimate truth about our cat friends doesn't stop here. We want to hear from you! Do you have your own encounters with the mysterious feline behaviour? Do not ignore it and dismiss it with very common phrase: It's a cat, that's what they do. Share the stories and possibly new evidence with us! Join the ranks of those brave enough to question the feline enigma. Together, we will uncover the secrets of the feline unverse, secrets that have been hiding under our very noses (and couches). Don't wait, the truth awaits to be unraveled! Reach out at: